Professional extractions to Elicit Wellness


Many teens and adults will undergo teeth extractions to have their wisdom teeth removed or treat overcrowding. 

Excessive decays, infections, and malocclusion are some other conditions that require an extraction procedure. It is performed by qualified dentists or oral surgeons with the administration of general or intravenous anesthesia. 

Common Conditions 

  • Dental Trauma 

Injuries to teeth, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bones may affect oral functioning. Most importantly, dentin fragments could harm soft tissues and tongues as well. 

  •   Irreparable Diseases 

Excessive damage to a tooth from decay and periodontal diseases can lead to many complications. Dentists will attempt to rescue patients through crown restorations or root canal procedures. 

  •  Crowding 

Inconsistency between tooth size and jaw size result in crowding. Misalignment of dentition affects the biting ability and facial appearance. In such situations, individuals can always request an extraction procedure. 

Procedural Steps 

This process begins with the administration of anesthesia to numb a tooth, gum, and bone tissues. It is a necessary step that alleviates any pain and discomfort during a surgical removal proceeding. 

Next, dentists pull a tooth from its socket using handheld instruments like extraction forceps. These tools are tailored to the shape of dentin for exerting direct pressure. Then, screw driver-like elevators help to expand socket tissues and perform the removal. 

Dentists will place folded gauze over an operated site to create firm pressure. It further helps to control bleeding and minimize swelling. Patients can also place ice packs for better aftercare. 

The post-extraction instructions involve several tips helpful for a healthy recovery. Individuals should take painkillers prescribed by surgeons. They must avoid smoking and alcohol consumption. 

Since the extraction site takes several weeks to heal, one should take soft foods like yogurt and pudding. Essentially, make sure to brush and floss regularly to avoid any risk of gum infections. 


Patients should contact their dentists if they start to experience any symptoms after treatment. Practitioners can help them diagnose the cause of pain and swelling. These consultations are also essential to ensure a seamless recovery. 


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